Monday, July 7, 2008
posted by Chen at 1:15 AM
Date : 6th July 2008
Time : 1.15AM
Listening to : Stand by me - Oasis
Where : Room - MC

Woo~! Been ages since I last updated this blog. Sorry yea. Was really really busy with Photography final and also videoshoot in Malacca. Sorry sorry... No time to update on those two yet. For now I will present my complete set of Domino's Pizza (8 pages) layout. It had been fun drawing all these but very tiring.

Medium used to draw : Flash CS3
Medium (going to be) used to slice : Photoshop CS3
Medium (going to be) used to generate in HTML : Dreamweaver CS3

Chong and Jo, both my lecturers said not many people draw their interface in Flash. Heh? I didn't know that. But anyway... It will be terribly difficult to do the slicing and transferring after that. Seriously and I am not kidding but I found it easier to draw in flash pasal... pasal I've been drawing in flash since last term.

*click to enlarge to full size*

Ok... Gtg do the transferring and slicing now. T_T Anyway, tell me what you guys think ok? Thanks thanks. Constructive criticism only please.


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