Saturday, February 16, 2008
posted by Chen at 12:37 PM
Date : 16th February 2008
Time : 12.43PM
Listening to : Still Nothing
Where : Room

Anyway, I checked out and Martha Stewart sites. Delight looked very e-bay-ish to me. And navigation also not that comfortable because there are too many links that could actually be complied under one category. And the colours used here does not appeal to me actually. Compared to MarthaStewart's, I find more fun exploring the site mostly due to the navigation comfort and content provided. Delight does not have a strong indicator to let user know which page they are in. And that confused me a little because all the pages look the same. Just picture and then the prices. But MarthaStewart's has different colours for each page but still maintain the consistency of the background colours. Only the buttons and the page title have a different colour. But I took quite some time to find out the tutorial page. Maybe because I need to go through a few sub pages to reach the page. Other than that i think the whole page is very nice. Below are a few snapshots of and


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