Saturday, March 15, 2008
posted by Chen at 1:05 PM
Date : 15th March 2008
Time : 1.06PM
Listening to : ColdPlay - The Scientist
Where : Room

Assignment to be completed this week:-

4 simplified figs
Storyboard rendering

Screenshots to be completed for presentation

Typography (Storyboard)
Tee Shirt presentation
Company research

Research for project partB
Submission of I-Map and 2 hardcopy of summary

Flash to be completely finished for prototype (Should start scripting)
Script Library (5)

DesignMethod2 class (20/3) will be replaced to Saturday(22/3). 9AM-1PM
Webdesign classes will be switched .
Presentation to be on Wednesday and Tutorial to be on Tuesday.
Trip to National Islamic Museum.

That's about it. And please, do update your blogs guys. And comment on each other's work. Remember that marks will be taken in from our blogs also.

Nice painting eh? Love the flip-flop~!


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