Tuesday, October 28, 2008
posted by Chen at 3:26 PM
Date : 28th October 2008
Time : 3.27PM
Listening to : Crazy ppl playing with fireworks
Where : Room - MC

Aaaah~! My idea for motion still hasn't got feedback yet. I mean the latest one cos the previous one on Autism was too general. Oh, btw, I decided on Autism. But anyway...

I'm still doing on Autism but target audience will be general public on how needy an autistic child and their parents are. Organization that I'm doing will be our local NGO, NASOM (National Autism Society of Malaysia). I want to create an awareness among the public and also to encourage them to help out either in the form of donation, adopting a project or volunteer to help out in the centre. The motion graphic will contain the facts and also real situation of autism in Malaysia.

Previously I did my research based on foreign countries' situation. It was pretty hard to relate. Then when I moved on to Malaysian's context, I find myself feeling more passionate about this issue. So yeah... Still hasn't got any feedback yet but I'm going to proceed. Ok, concept board. For the very last time... =.=!

I hope by the end of the term I will have something satisfactory to post in this blog.


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